Carol McLeod Ministries

Meanwhile - Lesson 8

Carol McLeod Ministries con Carol McLeod

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Oferta destacada de Carol McLeod

Significant: Becoming a Woman of Unique Purpose, True Identity, and Irrepressible Hope
Significant: Becoming a Woman of Unique Purpose, True Identity, and Irrepressible Hope

What makes you significant as an individual? As a woman? As a wife, mother, daughter, or friend? No matter what your age or current course in life, you can come to know your remarkable significance and eternal value. As you thirst for relief from stress and loneliness, you can build a foundation on what is divine and eternal—while also immensely practical for this life on earth. The truths God says about you as a woman are powerful and glorious! In Significant, you will discover that you are the steward of your own self and will be challenged to embrace every season of your life. What is God calling you to do through the power of His Holy Spirit? The days of cowering in fear, hiding behind insignificance, and wallowing in lack of opportunities are over. God is blowing doors wide open for women as never before. It is time for women to march forward in grand anticipation of all that God can do through even one woman submitted to the call of God and filled with His Spirit. You never know your true self until you know yourself in God.